Yalova Termal Suyu Faydaları

To be utilized in spas, thermal waters, also known as “thermomineral waters” in medicine, must be natural springs flowing from the earth, have a temperature over 20 degrees Celsius, and contain at least 1 gram of minerals per litre. At least ten million people in our country seek therapy at hot springs. The experts recommend that everyone, no matter whether they suffer from a chronic disease or are in good health, should undergo a hot spring cure once a year in order to supplement their treatment in case of illness.To be utilized in spas, thermal waters, also known as “thermomineral waters” in medicine, must be natural springs flowing from the earth, have a temperature over 20 degrees Celsius, and contain at least 1 gram of minerals per litre. At least ten million people in our country seek therapy at hot springs. The experts recommend that everyone, no matter whether they suffer from a chronic disease or are in good health, should undergo a hot spring cure once a year in order to supplement their treatment in case of illness.

Kaplıcaların tedavi makastlı olarak önerildiği hastalıklar:

  • Respiratory system disorders: Asthma bronchial, chronic bronchitis, allergic upper respiratory diseases, pneumoconiosis.
  • Skin diseases: Eczema, acne, psoriasis.
  • Musculoskeletal system diseases: Joint diseases, calcifications, soft tissue rheumatism, some rheumatic diseases, and treatment of damage after injuries.
  • Cardiovascular system diseases: Heart failure, circulatory disorders, hypertension, arterial diseases.
  • Gynaecological diseases: Chronic diseases of the genital organs, infertility, postoperative diseases, painful and difficult menstruation, and genital discharge.
  • Kidney and urinary tract diseases: cystitis, Chronic, chronic kidney stones, functional insufficiency.
  • Obstetrics and diseases: chronic diseases of the genital organs, infertility, surgery, diseases, painful and difficult menstruation, genital discharge.

Neurological diseases: The other significant benefit of hot spring therapy, known to be effective on spinal diseases, traumatic lesions, stroke rehabilitation, rheumatic diseases, and general muscle and fatigue pains, is the improvement of the patient’s quality of life and the rehabilitation of the patient to maintain his/her life active.

The hot spring is also defined as a ‘detox’ recently as the body is fortified with cleansing and purification, and therefore people can relieve themselves of the detrimental impacts of their illnesses. Also, experts who call attention to no specific age limit to undergo hot spring therapy state that elderly people and children can also easily seek for a cure from hot springs.

While children benefit from hot spring cures for upper respiratory tract diseases such as hay fever and asthma, the positive effects of hot spring cures have been proven in many chronic diseases that appear with old age in the elderly, such as hypertension, chronic heart disease, diabetes, and chronic lung disease. A specialist should advise on how to choose the appropriate hot spring water depending on the type of disease, as well as the techniques and duration of the therapy.<

Since the hot spring cure is a stimulation and adjustment therapy, it takes place in a certain time interval, which is usually at least 10 days, the most appropriate is 15 days. Also, the ideal water temperature in hot springs is 36-38 degrees.

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